I've been told recently, by more than Tim, that I don't write often enough in my blog. So, what better reason to write than to brag about my kids. Both girls give me good reason to brag often, but tonight this ones about my youngest. I just returned from a COW (Celebration of Writing) night at her school. There were a dozen kids chosen from all the ELA classes in her grade to read aloud at the celebration, the poem or childrens' book that they wrote for class. She wrote and illustrated a childrens' book called "Who Are They From", about a boy looking for something to do one day and goes outside to find a present for him with clues to find more presents. The mystery is who they are from and what they are leading him too. Even though she claimed to be nervous, she didn't appear to be when it came her time to read her book to the audience. She stood there at the microphone and projected perfectly... great intonation and enthusiasm. She did a great job on the book and the presentation, and I am quite proud of her.
In all, there were 4 books chosen to be read and about 8 poems. The rest of the kids writings were on display after the presentation for our viewing pleasure. The best part about the books is that they were written for a purpose. All of the childrens books will be going to Uganda Africa for the children there that leave their villages every night to walk 6 miles to another town to sleep, as their villages aren't safe at night. The books will be kept in the town they go to, for bedtime reading or classes. Each morning, the kids walk back to their villages to be with the rest of their family. Most of the mothers of these children are HIV positive, as well as some of the kids themselves. So, knowing that our kids put as much work into this as they did to help out those in Uganda, made the night that much more special. They do a lot of good deeds in her school, so not only am I proud of her for the work she did, but also of her school for continuously looking for opportunities like this, and engaging our kids in them. Kudos to the teachers for caring so much for others.