Friday, February 6, 2009

What am I missing...

I did it again yesterday. I turned on am talk radio and there is good and bad news. The good news is that Rush Limbaugh wasn't on his own show, so I didn't have to endure him. The bad news is that the show was still on with a replacement. Of course, the topic was the limit that President Obama wants to put on Executives pay for companies taking bailout monies. And, of course, that was leading to socialism (isn't everything in their opinion lately). What I don't understand is how they keep changing their opinions to make it seem like they agree with everyone that calls in, regardless of what side they are on. The prevailing opinion yesterday is that we cannot dictate what the private sector does and how they run their companies. That will be the complete decline of our country. What they keep forgetting to say (so that their avid listeners will stay on their side) is that the proposal is ONLY for companies requesting government aide... NOT every private sector company. How does that make government involved in all private sector companies and make it a complete government run country.

To the talk shows credit, they actually did allow one caller through that was trying desperately to make this point. But... a "good" talk show radio host knows when this is coming. And since they never want their listeners to actually hear that they are missing the point, he quickly said "sorry, we have to go to break". Click. Ahh. Free speech at it's greatest.

If these companies have been run so poorly that they go to the government for help, they SHOULD have to accept the governments terms for the money. However, if they don't want to accept those terms, run your companies better and you won't need their help in the first place. Having said that, I know there are ligitimate companies that are in trouble now just due to the economy. But I'll go out on a limb here and guess that those are not the companies that will complain about following the rules if they want the help. Maybe these talk show hosts are just afraid they will get their multi-million dollar contracts taken away in this bad economy. If that were to happen, all hell would break loose. People would actually have to form their own opinions rather than just regurgitate what Rush tells them to think. Heavens... we can't have that.

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