Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My real un-Americans rant

I made a status update last night on Facebook that simply read:

"thanks to President Bill Clinton for getting the job done. Safe travels home for him and the released reporters. Now if only others could get something done."

I had some "thumbs up" on that comment from folks that I know aren't politically aligned with me, and I think that's great. It shows me that there are people that are willing to put politics aside to acknowledge something good that happened, no matter who was involved in making it happen. I know that Bill Clinton didn't do this on his own. This work has been under way for some time now. But he was willing to drop everything and go pick those women up when it was requested that he was the one to do so. He also handled it very well today when he stayed on the plane in order to let it all be about the journalists and the reunion with their families. He came out later, hugged Al Gore, shook hands and talked to the family and then stood in the background while they gave a speech. Al Gore spoke, and it ended. President Clinton didn't even speak. I'm sure he will when he gets asked questions by news folks, but that reunion today, was all about the ladies, as it should have been.

Here comes my rant though. I'm at home working and changing news channels to see the coverage as well as listen to people talk on the radio... (even WBEE this morning). For those of you that are making jokes about Bill (look how far he'd go to pick up women), and those that are turning this into a huge deal about how we are cow-towing to North Korea somehow and pinning that on Obama... grow up. If you can't see how this story is about compassion for the families of these woman, and about getting these woman back where they belong, maybe you are the ones that are the "un-Americans" that you love to bash so much. What happened today is nothing but good, and if you were the families of these woman, I'm sure you'd feel that way too. Of course if all you want to do is bash people, than you'd probably never be able to admit that it was ever good unless you physically went there yourself. Enough already. Get over yourselfs and your narrow vision. Geez... even the lone Republican on the View today (Elizabeth) was capable of praising Bill and Al... and rightfully so. They deserve it. But regardless of that, these woman are home with their families... period. Can't everyone just leave it at that and be happy.

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