Friday, October 23, 2009

Cool technology? apparently it depends on your thinking...

Maybe I'm one of the last ones to see this come through, but as a person that works with technology, I think this is VERY cool. I was so disappointed to read the comments from people about it though. I find it hard to believe that just because... someone CAN interact with a "person" like this, that people automatically go to how bad it will be for people's social lives, and in the extreme, that they'll never need real friends if this becomes popular. Really? Especially for kids given the amount of time they spend in school and doing homework, can't it be looked at as a nice break and something fun. Why do we now always take things to the farthest extreme. Guess these folks haven't heard of Second Life, etc. I enjoy that on occasion, but it certainly hasn't stopped me from interacting with real people at all. So if we take the opposite approach, what if this is actually good for kids that are being bullied and don't really have any friends. Isn't one like this, better than none?

But I realize, I do think differently than a lot of people I know. Oh well... to me... this is still very cool technology.

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