Sunday, November 2, 2008

from freshman to jv... for my sake

Gone are the days of the junior cheer teams for my daughter as she is now on Freshman. However, she (we) had to work at a junior cheer competition this morning and they apparently hand out the jobs based on what team you are on. Freshman (or I should say Freshman parents) "get to" run concessions. So, I did my part and worked the stand for 3 hours. The ladies I worked with were very nice and everyone that came in was very nice, polite, patient, etc. I was in charge of money. How hard can that be, right?

Despite the fact that there were things on the menu that ended in 50 cents, no one really thought of getting quarters for the money box. So, being moms, several of them were able to dig many dollars worth out of their own purses to help out. All went very smoothly with the exception of the fact that you should never put someone with OCD in charge of the money box at a function like this. It's really unbelievable to me how some people keep their money. It was given to me by adults in the smallest wrinkled up balls of bills you could imagine. Others were throwing money into the box in every which way you could think of. For someone like me, that was a disaster. Money is supposed to not only be sorted by amount, but also must all be facing the same direction. One of my girls completely understands this as her wallet looks like mine and stacked as I stated above. The other one... not so much. But all in time. So, my biggest thought when I left was... will my daughter please be on the JV team next year, so my volunteer position will not cause me so much concern.

BTW... when I left. All money was separated by value, faced forward and standing up-right. Ahhh. I felt better.

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