Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ladies weekend

I spent this past weekend with 4 other ladies in Albany. They were friends from High School 26 years ago. We talked and laughed and shopped and laughed and drank and laughed and ate and laughed (you get the idea). So much has changed in everyones lives since then. But one thing hasn't changed... we can obviously just pick up with the same conversation and laughter that was always there no matter what we were going through.

It also amazed me how a couple of them have still kept up with so much of the comings/goings of our other classmates. I think they know where most everyone is and what they've been up to all these years, with one exception. None of us can still seem to locate Todd. But we all agree we really want to know what's happened to him. He was one of my really fun friends in class. In fact, my girls have even heard stories about him. Maybe by our next large class reunion, we'll track him down.

Even though you plan these things so that you can spend a lot of time catching up with everyone that doesn't live close by, it's hard to not spend much of the time talking about what we all did "back then". It seems like it was all so long ago. We as a group have made it through (and are still going thru) so much... marriages, divorces, kids, infertility, cancer, parents dying, kids having brain tumors, partners having brain tumors... the list goes on. But in all that we went thru as a group... the best part is that we did it as a group. We all had the other four to lean on thru our issues in varying degress. It makes it all so much easier to know that you still have people that know "way too much" about you, to help ease the pain and share the laughter through the good and bad times. I love them all and am so happy they are still in my life. I hope this trip truly does turn out to be an annual thing. If nothing else, it's great stomach exercise to laugh that much (:-)

Thanks ladies... it was a great weekend.

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