Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is this the October surprise...really?

There is a story that started circulating yesterday stating that Obama's Kenyan Aunt is in the U.S. illegally. It states that she should have been deported 4 years ago and is still here living in public housing. My question is this...

Is this the best that the Republicans can come up with as their October surprise. If she is here illegally, can't the republicans handle it as they want to handle all of the illegals here... let them stay and have a path to citizenship? Or... do they just want to handle her differently simply because she's Obama's Aunt and the election is in a couple of days?

The other note worthy portion of this story is that this is the Aunt of Obama's father that he met once for a month when he was 10 years old. Did he even know she was here? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. We don't really know much of anything yet, including whether or not it is really even the Aunt that he's spoke about in his book. All we do know is that it is now... 4 years later... finally a story. That's kind of convenient.

If it does turn out that she is his Aunt, it's a legislative issue, not a criminal one. But if McCain wins on Tuesday, maybe Obama can just pay that fine for her and help her with that path to citizenship that McCain supports. Then, all will be settled.

Oh boy... only 3 more days. I can't wait until this is over. Oh yeah... the other big story is will Biden and McCain still be friends after all the lies and smears are over. My suggestion to Mr. Biden... no matter who wins, realize that the way McCain has treated you, he was NEVER really your friend. His campaign has proven that.

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