Thursday, October 23, 2008

I’m trying...

I was just having lunch with Tim and saying that I've been listening to a lot of people talk about how John McCain never really answers questions in interviews. So I decided that maybe I should see for myself if that's still true (I had stopped watching so much lately). I know that he does his same old stump speech all the time... not much new in there... but what about in interviews where he can be asked pointed questions. So, I watched two McCain interviews last night. The one he did on CNN and the one with Brian Williams. In both of those interviews, when asked a question, he never answered it. He simply reiterated the question and then quickly turned the question to how he could slam Obama on the topic. But never answered the questions at all. I even watched Wolf Blitzer throw his hands up in surrender when he tried for the 4th or 5th time to get him to answer a question on his belief that we should have privatized social security. Wolf kept trying and McCain kept ducking. It was a lost cause for all of us.

However, the one thing he keeps going back to is how experienced he is and how that relates to his favorite line in stump speeches and interviews... "I know how to get Bin Ladin, I know. I know how to fix the economy... I know how to fix Medicaid and Medicare. I know and I'll do it".

Well Mr. McCain, if I was your interviewer, here is how I'd follow up to that well rehearsed line...

"if you know how to do all this stuff, why aren't you sharing that information? If you truly are putting country first, why wouldn't you use that information to help people now... be safe, be secure, etc. If you shared that information and it was helpful and worked, wouldn't that make you look good and you could win this election? If you know... why are you sitting on that information if it could truly help this country you love so much?"

My guess is it's because he doesn't know at all. It's just a stump speech line to win voters... and we all know it (with the exception of him and his running mate). We aren't that stupid. At least some of us aren't.

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