Monday, October 6, 2008

and so it begins...

The McCain campaign was right... they were going to try to change the subject since McCain was dropping in the polls. So, the attack dog (Palin) started it this weekend. She's bringing up all the old stuff that has been debunked already. But, as she said in the VP Debate, she's only been in this for 5 weeks. She made a mistake yesterday when answering a reporters question, when she said that these things that haven't been talked about before, should be out there. Guess in Alaska, she didn't hear all the talk of these things before. This has been tried already. Hopefully people will be as smart this time as they were last time, and not buy into this crap. Oh yeah, Fox News also had a show on last night that couldn't have just been made in last two days, but it practically had Obama as the head of Al Queda for pete's sake. They really have sunk pretty low, but that's nothing new. And they call themselves fair and balanced.

And so begins the part of campaign season that I hate... the personal attacks that are so desparate. The only thing I'm happy about (and I don't like that people have to do this) is that Obama is not letting it slide as John Kerry did. As soon as I heard all of this on Saturday, I said... "boy... McCain should be careful or Obama camp could do the Keating 5, Palin's troppergate, and Palin's own share of Rev. issues". Not sure about the rest of them, but there is already a reminder video on the web about Keating 5 as a reminder of the bank failing there, and how it relates to the same things that are happening in the banks now.

To bad you had to do it Obama... but good for you for not letting them walk all over you like they've tried to do to others in past elections. Shame on you McCain for not living up to your word of NOT doing this stuff since it was done to you in 2000. You've completely caved to everything for a win. I hope it's all worth it to you when you have to look in the mirror. What a hypocrit.

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