Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I’m sick over this...

I just came home from work to the news that at Palin rallies today, while asking what people thought about Obama, that those great values based republican based folks were screaming things like "terrorist" and "kill him", etc. How low can those folks actually sink in this campaign season. There was even a confrontation with a reporting photographer where he was called such racial slurs that the anchors wouldn't even repeat them. Calls for Obama's secret service to be really vigilant too. Wouldn't surprise me if that is the republican's new strategy... to make folks worry about something happening to Obama to try to scare others away from voting for him. They are getting extremely desperate.

There was just a McCain campaign spokes"woman" on and when asked why McCain has gone so negative and dirty this past weekend after saying he wouldn't do that, she actually stood there and said "I don't know what you're referring to". How do these folks look at themselves in the mirror. They must all be going a bit senile from just being around that man too much. So much for the party of unity and bi-partisanship. How do they ever think they'll reach across any isle after all they do is try to tear people apart.

Maybe they need Jon Stewart to bring out the tapes reminding McCain of what he said he would and wouldn't do during a campaign. They can't seem to remember from moment to moment. At least Obama is fighting back. I can't believe I ever considered voting for this party. It must have been a moment of stupidity on my part. No matter who wins this... I just want it over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strap in baby... the ugly has only just begun.
