Wednesday, October 22, 2008



If Sarah Palin really believes this, what will she think if God doesn't come thru for her on November 4th. Will that shake her faith in God? because I'm not sure she could ever admit that the people didn't want her or that Obama/Biden are what God really wanted. Hmmmm..

FINDLAY, Ohio (CNN) –- In an interview posted online Wednesday, Sarah Palin told Dr. James Dobson of "Focus on the Family" that she is confident God will do "the right thing for America" on Nov. 4.

Dobson asked the vice presidential hopeful if she is concerned about John McCain's sagging poll numbers, but Palin stressed that she was "not discouraged at all."

"To me, it motivates us, makes us work that much harder," she told the influential Christian leader, whose radio show reaches millions of listeners daily. "And it also strengthens my faith because I know at the end of the day putting this in God's hands, the right thing for America will be done, at the end of the day on Nov. 4."

Dobson praised Palin's opposition to abortion rights, to which the governor affirmed that she is "hardcore pro-life."

She said giving birth to her son Trig, who has Down syndrome, has given her the opportunity "to be walking the walk and not just talking the talk" in her long-standing opposition to abortion.

Dobson — who has never been warm to McCain — asked Palin if her "private conversations" with the GOP nominee had revealed a true commitment to the Republican party's pro-life platform, which calls for a constitutional amendment banning abortions.

"I do, from the bottom of my heart," Palin assured Dobson. "John McCain is solidly there on those solid planks in our platform that build the right agenda for America."

She also thanked her supporters — including Dobson, who said he and his wife were asking "for God's intervention" on election day — for their prayers of support.

"It is that intercession that is so needed," she said. "And so greatly appreciated. And I can feel it too, Dr. Dobson. I can feel the power of prayer, and that strength that is provided through our prayer warriors across this nation. And I so appreciate it."

The interview was taped on Monday by phone while Palin was campaigning in Colorado Springs, where "Focus on the Family" is headquartered.


Kim said...

If her god doesn't come through for her it will be the work of Satan and the failure of her supporters to pray hard enough. It certainly won't be her fault.

Her comments are interesting, especially when taken in light of Pastor Arnold Conrad's invocation prayer in Davenport, IA where he basically challenged the Christian God to intervene in the election because if he didn't the other Gods would think he was a pansy. (Of course he thinks there are actually gods named Hindu and Buddha, so we're not dealing with the sharpest tool in the shed here.)

But the upshot is that some of the GOP Christians seem to have taken the pre-game prayer to a new level. They are not praying for personal strength so they can give their best effort, they are seeking direct intervention.

I'm curious what the thinking is there. If the Christian God (what with his being omnipotent and all) was of a mind to directly intervene in politics and realize the Religious Right's agenda, wouldn't we already be living in a global Christian theocracy? And if he instead has a more subtle plan, one enacted by divine nudges rather than the more direct plagues and floods approach, don't we need to assume that however it turns out is how he intended it to? Or finally, if he's not really intervening at all and we really have free will, then what's all the praying for intervention for anyway if that ain't how he rolls?

And on a different note, are the "hardcore pro-life" people the ones that murder the ObGyns? Or are those the pro-life terrorists? I always get them confused.


Anonymous said...

Yes to what you said. I had heard all the words of Pastor Conrad's and he was very frightening. Her words today were just a scary. If she really believes that Gods will will be done for this election, she's going to have a very hard time reconciling that if Obama wins. How will she play it out then. I don't think, as good a christian as she claims herself to be, that she'll be praying for Obama in all that he'll have to handle as I would pray for them if they won. I think that's a true mark of a Christian. Heck... I pray for Bush all the time. It doesn't appear my prayers have been answered in his case as he still doesn't seem to have much wisdom, but I continue to pray for him.

And... as for your last comment... you've been hanging out with me too long. That whole "pro-life" when it's beneficial drives me crazy. If you are pro-life, you should be pro-life at all times... no abortion, no killing those that provide abortions, no death penalty, etc. But... for some reason, all else but abortions are off the table for their discussions. I can't say it enough... being pro-choice, does not make a person pro-abortion... nor anti-life. I am against abortion... would not have one... would not counsel anyone to have one... but I am pro-choice. They shouldn't take those rights away from anyone. They can then answer to their chosen God if their choice is suspect. If the higher power is what all these people are answering to anyway, why not leave that punishment up to him. He can handle it.
